1 /**
2 * Copyright: Copyright Auburn Sounds 2016-2018.
3 * License:   $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0)
4 * Authors:   Guillaume Piolat
5 */
6 module inteli.internals;
8 import inteli.types;
10 // The only math functions needed for intel-intrinsics
11 public import core.math: fabs, sqrt; // since they are intrinsics
13 version(LDC)
14 {
15     public import core.simd;
16     public import ldc.simd;
17     public import ldc.gccbuiltins_x86;
18     public import ldc.intrinsics;
19     public import ldc.llvmasm: __asm;
21     // Since LDC 1.13, using the new ldc.llvmasm.__ir variants instead of inlineIR
22     static if (__VERSION__ >= 2083)
23     {
24          import ldc.llvmasm;
25          alias LDCInlineIR = __ir_pure;
26     }
27     else
28     {
29         alias LDCInlineIR = inlineIR;
30     }
31 }
35 package:
36 nothrow @nogc:
39 //
40 //  <ROUNDING>
41 //
42 //  Why is that there? For DMD, we cannot use rint because _MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE
43 //  doesn't change the FPU rounding mode, and isn't expected to do so.
44 //  So we devised these rounding function to help having consistent rouding between 
45 //  LDC and DMD. It's important that DMD uses what is in MXCST to round.
46 //
49 int convertFloatToInt32UsingMXCSR(float value) pure @safe
50 {
51     int result;
52     asm pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
53     {
54         cvtss2si EAX, value;
55         mov result, EAX;
56     }
57     return result;
58 }
60 int convertDoubleToInt32UsingMXCSR(double value) pure @safe
61 {
62     int result;
63     asm pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
64     {
65         cvtsd2si EAX, value;
66         mov result, EAX;
67     }
68     return result;
69 }
71 long convertFloatToInt64UsingMXCSR(float value) pure @safe
72 {
73     // 64-bit can use an SSE instruction
74     version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
75     {
76         long result;
77         version(LDC) // work-around for " Data definition directives inside inline asm are not supported yet."
78         {
79             asm pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
80             {
81                 movss XMM0, value;
82                 cvtss2si RAX, XMM0;
83                 mov result, RAX;
84             }
85         }
86         else
87         {
88             asm pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
89             {
90                 movss XMM0, value;
91                 db 0xf3; db 0x48; db 0x0f; db 0x2d; db 0xc0; // cvtss2si RAX, XMM0 (DMD refuses to emit)
92                 mov result, RAX;
93             }
94         }
95         return result;
96     }
97     else version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
98     {
99         // In the case of 32-bit x86 there is no SSE2 way to convert FP to 64-bit int
100         // This leads to an unfortunate FPU sequence in every C++ compiler.
101         // See: https://godbolt.org/z/vZym77
103         // Get current MXCSR rounding
104         uint sseRounding;
105         ushort savedFPUCW;
106         ushort newFPUCW;
107         long result;
108         asm pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
109         {
110             stmxcsr sseRounding;
111             fld value;
112             fnstcw savedFPUCW;
113             mov AX, savedFPUCW;
114             and AX, 0xf3ff;          // clear FPU rounding bits
115             movzx ECX, word ptr sseRounding;
116             and ECX, 0x6000;         // only keep SSE rounding bits
117             shr ECX, 3;
118             or AX, CX;               // make a new control word for FPU with SSE bits
119             mov newFPUCW, AX;
120             fldcw newFPUCW;
121             fistp qword ptr result;            // convert, respecting MXCSR (but not other control word things)
122             fldcw savedFPUCW;
123         }
124         return result;
125     }
126     else
127         static assert(false);
128 }
130 ///ditto
131 long convertDoubleToInt64UsingMXCSR(double value) pure @safe
132 {
133     // 64-bit can use an SSE instruction
134     version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
135     {
136         long result;
137         version(LDC) // work-around for "Data definition directives inside inline asm are not supported yet."
138         {
139             asm pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
140             {
141                 movsd XMM0, value;
142                 cvtsd2si RAX, XMM0;
143                 mov result, RAX;
144             }
145         }
146         else
147         {
148             asm pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
149             {
150                 movsd XMM0, value;
151                 db 0xf2; db 0x48; db 0x0f; db 0x2d; db 0xc0; // cvtsd2si RAX, XMM0 (DMD refuses to emit)
152                 mov result, RAX;
153             }
154         }
155         return result;
156     }
157     else version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
158     {
159         // In the case of 32-bit x86 there is no SSE2 way to convert FP to 64-bit int
160         // This leads to an unfortunate FPU sequence in every C++ compiler.
161         // See: https://godbolt.org/z/vZym77
163         // Get current MXCSR rounding
164         uint sseRounding;
165         ushort savedFPUCW;
166         ushort newFPUCW;
167         long result;
168         asm pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
169         {
170             stmxcsr sseRounding;
171             fld value;
172             fnstcw savedFPUCW;
173             mov AX, savedFPUCW;
174             and AX, 0xf3ff;
175             movzx ECX, word ptr sseRounding;
176             and ECX, 0x6000;
177             shr ECX, 3;
178             or AX, CX;
179             mov newFPUCW, AX;
180             fldcw newFPUCW;
181             fistp result;
182             fldcw savedFPUCW;
183         }
184         return result;
185     }
186     else
187         static assert(false);
188 }
191 //
192 //  </ROUNDING>
193 //
196 // using the Intel terminology here
198 byte saturateSignedWordToSignedByte(short value) pure @safe
199 {
200     if (value > 127) value = 127;
201     if (value < -128) value = -128;
202     return cast(byte) value;
203 }
205 ubyte saturateSignedWordToUnsignedByte(short value) pure @safe
206 {
207     if (value > 255) value = 255;
208     if (value < 0) value = 0;
209     return cast(ubyte) value;
210 }
212 short saturateSignedIntToSignedShort(int value) pure @safe
213 {
214     if (value > 32767) value = 32767;
215     if (value < -32768) value = -32768;
216     return cast(short) value;
217 }
219 ushort saturateSignedIntToUnsignedShort(int value) pure @safe
220 {
221     if (value > 65535) value = 65535;
222     if (value < 0) value = 0;
223     return cast(ushort) value;
224 }
226 unittest // test saturate operations
227 {
228     assert( saturateSignedWordToSignedByte(32000) == 127);
229     assert( saturateSignedWordToUnsignedByte(32000) == 255);
230     assert( saturateSignedWordToSignedByte(-4000) == -128);
231     assert( saturateSignedWordToUnsignedByte(-4000) == 0);
232     assert( saturateSignedIntToSignedShort(32768) == 32767);
233     assert( saturateSignedIntToUnsignedShort(32768) == 32768);
234     assert( saturateSignedIntToSignedShort(-32769) == -32768);
235     assert( saturateSignedIntToUnsignedShort(-32769) == 0);
236 }
238 version(unittest)
239 {
240     // This is just for debugging tests
241     import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
243     // printing vectors for implementation
244     // Note: you can override `pure` within a `debug` clause
246     void _mm_print_pi32(__m64 v) @trusted
247     {
248         int2 C = cast(int2)v;
249         printf("%d %d\n", C[0], C[1]);
250     }
252     void _mm_print_pi16(__m64 v) @trusted
253     {
254         short4 C = cast(short4)v;
255         printf("%d %d %d %d\n", C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3]);
256     }
258     void _mm_print_pi8(__m64 v) @trusted
259     {
260         byte8 C = cast(byte8)v;
261         printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
262         C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4], C[5], C[6], C[7]);
263     }
265     void _mm_print_epi32(__m128i v) @trusted
266     {
267         printf("%d %d %d %d\n",
268               v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
269     }
271     void _mm_print_epi16(__m128i v) @trusted
272     {
273         short8 C = cast(short8)v;
274         printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
275         C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4], C[5], C[6], C[7]);
276     }
278     void _mm_print_epi8(__m128i v) @trusted
279     {
280         byte16 C = cast(byte16)v;
281         printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
282         C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3], C[4], C[5], C[6], C[7], C[8], C[9], C[10], C[11], C[12], C[13], C[14], C[15]);
283     }
285     void _mm_print_ps(__m128 v) @trusted
286     {
287         float4 C = cast(float4)v;
288         printf("%f %f %f %f\n", C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3]);
289     }
291     void _mm_print_pd(__m128d v) @trusted
292     {
293         double2 C = cast(double2)v;
294         printf("%f %f\n", C[0], C[1]);
295     }    
296 }
299 //
301 //
302 // Note: `ldc.simd` cannot express all nuances of FP comparisons, so we
303 //       need different IR generation.
305 enum FPComparison
306 {
307     oeq,   // ordered and equal
308     ogt,   // ordered and greater than
309     oge,   // ordered and greater than or equal
310     olt,   // ordered and less than
311     ole,   // ordered and less than or equal
312     one,   // ordered and not equal
313     ord,   // ordered (no nans)
314     ueq,   // unordered or equal
315     ugt,   // unordered or greater than ("nle")
316     uge,   // unordered or greater than or equal ("nlt")
317     ult,   // unordered or less than ("nge")
318     ule,   // unordered or less than or equal ("ngt")
319     une,   // unordered or not equal ("neq")
320     uno,   // unordered (either nans)
321 }
323 private static immutable string[FPComparison.max+1] FPComparisonToString =
324 [
325     "oeq",
326     "ogt",
327     "oge",
328     "olt",
329     "ole",
330     "one",
331     "ord",
332     "ueq",
333     "ugt",
334     "uge",
335     "ult",
336     "ule",
337     "une",
338     "uno",
339 ];
341 // Individual float comparison: returns -1 for true or 0 for false.
342 // Useful for DMD and testing
343 private bool compareFloat(T)(FPComparison comparison, T a, T b) pure @safe
344 {
345     import std.math;
346     bool unordered = isNaN(a) || isNaN(b);
347     final switch(comparison) with(FPComparison)
348     {
349         case oeq: return a == b;
350         case ogt: return a > b;
351         case oge: return a >= b;
352         case olt: return a < b;
353         case ole: return a <= b;
354         case one: return !unordered && (a != b); // NaN with != always yields true
355         case ord: return !unordered; 
356         case ueq: return unordered || (a == b);
357         case ugt: return unordered || (a > b);
358         case uge: return unordered || (a >= b);
359         case ult: return unordered || (a < b);
360         case ule: return unordered || (a <= b);
361         case une: return (a != b); // NaN with != always yields true
362         case uno: return unordered;
363     }
364 }
366 version(LDC)
367 {
368     /// Provides packed float comparisons
369     package int4 cmpps(FPComparison comparison)(float4 a, float4 b) pure @safe
370     {
371         enum ir = `
372             %cmp = fcmp `~ FPComparisonToString[comparison] ~` <4 x float> %0, %1
373             %r = sext <4 x i1> %cmp to <4 x i32>
374             ret <4 x i32> %r`;
376         return LDCInlineIR!(ir, int4, float4, float4)(a, b);
377     }
379     /// Provides packed double comparisons
380     package long2 cmppd(FPComparison comparison)(double2 a, double2 b) pure @safe
381     {
382         enum ir = `
383             %cmp = fcmp `~ FPComparisonToString[comparison] ~` <2 x double> %0, %1
384             %r = sext <2 x i1> %cmp to <2 x i64>
385             ret <2 x i64> %r`;
387         return LDCInlineIR!(ir, long2, double2, double2)(a, b);
388     }
390     /// CMPSS-style comparisons
391     /// clang implement it through x86 intrinsics, it is possible with IR alone
392     /// but leads to less optimal code.
393     /// PERF: try to implement it with __builtin_ia32_cmpss and immediate 0 to 7. 
394     /// Not that simple.
395     package float4 cmpss(FPComparison comparison)(float4 a, float4 b) pure @safe
396     {
397         /*
398         enum ubyte predicateNumber = FPComparisonToX86Predicate[comparison];
399         enum bool invertOp = (predicateNumber & 0x80) != 0;
400         static if(invertOp)
401             return __builtin_ia32_cmpsd(b, a, predicateNumber & 0x7f);
402         else
403             return __builtin_ia32_cmpsd(a, b, predicateNumber & 0x7f);
404         */
405         enum ir = `
406             %cmp = fcmp `~ FPComparisonToString[comparison] ~` float %0, %1
407             %r = sext i1 %cmp to i32
408             %r2 = bitcast i32 %r to float
409             ret float %r2`;
411         float4 r = a;
412         r[0] = LDCInlineIR!(ir, float, float, float)(a[0], b[0]);
413         return r;
414     }
416     /// CMPSD-style comparisons
417     /// clang implement it through x86 intrinsics, it is possible with IR alone
418     /// but leads to less optimal code.
419     /// PERF: try to implement it with __builtin_ia32_cmpsd and immediate 0 to 7. 
420     /// Not that simple.    
421     package double2 cmpsd(FPComparison comparison)(double2 a, double2 b) pure @safe
422     {
423         enum ir = `
424             %cmp = fcmp `~ FPComparisonToString[comparison] ~` double %0, %1
425             %r = sext i1 %cmp to i64
426             %r2 = bitcast i64 %r to double
427             ret double %r2`;
429         double2 r = a;
430         r[0] = LDCInlineIR!(ir, double, double, double)(a[0], b[0]);
431         return r;
432     }
434     // Note: ucomss and ucomsd are left unimplemented
435     package int comss(FPComparison comparison)(float4 a, float4 b) pure @safe
436     {
437         enum ir = `
438             %cmp = fcmp `~ FPComparisonToString[comparison] ~` float %0, %1
439             %r = zext i1 %cmp to i32
440             ret i32 %r`;
442         return LDCInlineIR!(ir, int, float, float)(a[0], b[0]);
443     }
445     // Note: ucomss and ucomsd are left unimplemented
446     package int comsd(FPComparison comparison)(double2 a, double2 b) pure @safe
447     {
448         enum ir = `
449             %cmp = fcmp `~ FPComparisonToString[comparison] ~` double %0, %1
450             %r = zext i1 %cmp to i32
451             ret i32 %r`;
453         return LDCInlineIR!(ir, int, double, double)(a[0], b[0]);
454     }
455 }
456 else
457 {
458     /// Provides packed float comparisons
459     package int4 cmpps(FPComparison comparison)(float4 a, float4 b) pure @safe
460     {
461         int4 result;
462         foreach(i; 0..4)
463         {
464             result[i] = compareFloat!float(comparison, a[i], b[i]) ? -1 : 0;
465         }
466         return result;
467     }
469     /// Provides packed double comparisons
470     package long2 cmppd(FPComparison comparison)(double2 a, double2 b) pure @safe
471     {
472         long2 result;
473         foreach(i; 0..2)
474         {
475             result[i] = compareFloat!double(comparison, a[i], b[i]) ? -1 : 0;
476         }
477         return result;
478     }
480     /// Provides CMPSS-style comparison
481     package float4 cmpss(FPComparison comparison)(float4 a, float4 b) pure @safe
482     {
483         int4 result = cast(int4)a;
484         result[0] = compareFloat!float(comparison, a[0], b[0]) ? -1 : 0;
485         return cast(float4)result;
486     }
488     /// Provides CMPSD-style comparison
489     package double2 cmpsd(FPComparison comparison)(double2 a, double2 b) pure @safe
490     {
491         long2 result = cast(long2)a;
492         result[0] = compareFloat!double(comparison, a[0], b[0]) ? -1 : 0;
493         return cast(double2)result;
494     }
496     package int comss(FPComparison comparison)(float4 a, float4 b) pure @safe
497     {
498         return compareFloat!float(comparison, a[0], b[0]) ? 1 : 0;
499     }
501     // Note: ucomss and ucomsd are left unimplemented
502     package int comsd(FPComparison comparison)(double2 a, double2 b) pure @safe
503     {
504         return compareFloat!double(comparison, a[0], b[0]) ? 1 : 0;
505     }
506 }
507 unittest // cmpps
508 {
509     // Check all comparison type is working
510     float4 A = [1, 3, 5, float.nan];
511     float4 B = [2, 3, 4, 5];
513     int4 result_oeq = cmpps!(FPComparison.oeq)(A, B);
514     int4 result_ogt = cmpps!(FPComparison.ogt)(A, B);
515     int4 result_oge = cmpps!(FPComparison.oge)(A, B);
516     int4 result_olt = cmpps!(FPComparison.olt)(A, B);
517     int4 result_ole = cmpps!(FPComparison.ole)(A, B);
518     int4 result_one = cmpps!(FPComparison.one)(A, B);
519     int4 result_ord = cmpps!(FPComparison.ord)(A, B);
520     int4 result_ueq = cmpps!(FPComparison.ueq)(A, B);
521     int4 result_ugt = cmpps!(FPComparison.ugt)(A, B);
522     int4 result_uge = cmpps!(FPComparison.uge)(A, B);
523     int4 result_ult = cmpps!(FPComparison.ult)(A, B);
524     int4 result_ule = cmpps!(FPComparison.ule)(A, B);
525     int4 result_une = cmpps!(FPComparison.une)(A, B);
526     int4 result_uno = cmpps!(FPComparison.uno)(A, B);
528     static immutable int[4] correct_oeq    = [ 0,-1, 0, 0];
529     static immutable int[4] correct_ogt    = [ 0, 0,-1, 0];
530     static immutable int[4] correct_oge    = [ 0,-1,-1, 0];
531     static immutable int[4] correct_olt    = [-1, 0, 0, 0];
532     static immutable int[4] correct_ole    = [-1,-1, 0, 0];
533     static immutable int[4] correct_one    = [-1, 0,-1, 0];
534     static immutable int[4] correct_ord    = [-1,-1,-1, 0];
535     static immutable int[4] correct_ueq    = [ 0,-1, 0,-1];
536     static immutable int[4] correct_ugt    = [ 0, 0,-1,-1];
537     static immutable int[4] correct_uge    = [ 0,-1,-1,-1];
538     static immutable int[4] correct_ult    = [-1, 0, 0,-1];
539     static immutable int[4] correct_ule    = [-1,-1, 0,-1];
540     static immutable int[4] correct_une    = [-1, 0,-1,-1];
541     static immutable int[4] correct_uno    = [ 0, 0, 0,-1];
543     assert(result_oeq.array == correct_oeq);
544     assert(result_ogt.array == correct_ogt);
545     assert(result_oge.array == correct_oge);
546     assert(result_olt.array == correct_olt);
547     assert(result_ole.array == correct_ole);
548     assert(result_one.array == correct_one);
549     assert(result_ord.array == correct_ord);
550     assert(result_ueq.array == correct_ueq);
551     assert(result_ugt.array == correct_ugt);
552     assert(result_uge.array == correct_uge);
553     assert(result_ult.array == correct_ult);
554     assert(result_ule.array == correct_ule);
555     assert(result_une.array == correct_une);
556     assert(result_uno.array == correct_uno);
557 }
558 unittest
559 {
560     double2 a = [1, 3];
561     double2 b = [2, 3];
562     long2 c = cmppd!(FPComparison.ult)(a, b);
563     static immutable long[2] correct = [cast(long)(-1), 0];
564     assert(c.array == correct);
565 }
566 unittest // cmpss and comss
567 {
568     void testComparison(FPComparison comparison)(float4 A, float4 B)
569     {
570         float4 result = cmpss!comparison(A, B);
571         int4 iresult = cast(int4)result;
572         int expected = compareFloat!float(comparison, A[0], B[0]) ? -1 : 0;
573         assert(iresult[0] == expected);
574         assert(result[1] == A[1]);
575         assert(result[2] == A[2]);
576         assert(result[3] == A[3]);
578         // check comss
579         int comResult = comss!comparison(A, B);
580         assert( (expected != 0) == (comResult != 0) );
581     }
583     // Check all comparison type is working
584     float4 A = [1, 3, 5, 6];
585     float4 B = [2, 3, 4, 5];
586     float4 C = [float.nan, 3, 4, 5];
588     testComparison!(FPComparison.oeq)(A, B);
589     testComparison!(FPComparison.oeq)(A, C);
590     testComparison!(FPComparison.ogt)(A, B);
591     testComparison!(FPComparison.ogt)(A, C);
592     testComparison!(FPComparison.oge)(A, B);
593     testComparison!(FPComparison.oge)(A, C);
594     testComparison!(FPComparison.olt)(A, B);
595     testComparison!(FPComparison.olt)(A, C);
596     testComparison!(FPComparison.ole)(A, B);
597     testComparison!(FPComparison.ole)(A, C);
598     testComparison!(FPComparison.one)(A, B);
599     testComparison!(FPComparison.one)(A, C);
600     testComparison!(FPComparison.ord)(A, B);
601     testComparison!(FPComparison.ord)(A, C);
602     testComparison!(FPComparison.ueq)(A, B);
603     testComparison!(FPComparison.ueq)(A, C);
604     testComparison!(FPComparison.ugt)(A, B);
605     testComparison!(FPComparison.ugt)(A, C);
606     testComparison!(FPComparison.uge)(A, B);
607     testComparison!(FPComparison.uge)(A, C);
608     testComparison!(FPComparison.ult)(A, B);
609     testComparison!(FPComparison.ult)(A, C);
610     testComparison!(FPComparison.ule)(A, B);
611     testComparison!(FPComparison.ule)(A, C);
612     testComparison!(FPComparison.une)(A, B);
613     testComparison!(FPComparison.une)(A, C);
614     testComparison!(FPComparison.uno)(A, B);
615     testComparison!(FPComparison.uno)(A, C);
616 }
617 unittest // cmpsd and comsd
618 {
619     void testComparison(FPComparison comparison)(double2 A, double2 B)
620     {
621         double2 result = cmpsd!comparison(A, B);
622         long2 iresult = cast(long2)result;
623         long expected = compareFloat!double(comparison, A[0], B[0]) ? -1 : 0;
624         assert(iresult[0] == expected);
625         assert(result[1] == A[1]);
627         // check comsd
628         int comResult = comsd!comparison(A, B);
629         assert( (expected != 0) == (comResult != 0) );
630     }
632     // Check all comparison type is working
633     double2 A = [1, 3];
634     double2 B = [2, 4];
635     double2 C = [double.nan, 5];
637     testComparison!(FPComparison.oeq)(A, B);
638     testComparison!(FPComparison.oeq)(A, C);
639     testComparison!(FPComparison.ogt)(A, B);
640     testComparison!(FPComparison.ogt)(A, C);
641     testComparison!(FPComparison.oge)(A, B);
642     testComparison!(FPComparison.oge)(A, C);
643     testComparison!(FPComparison.olt)(A, B);
644     testComparison!(FPComparison.olt)(A, C);
645     testComparison!(FPComparison.ole)(A, B);
646     testComparison!(FPComparison.ole)(A, C);
647     testComparison!(FPComparison.one)(A, B);
648     testComparison!(FPComparison.one)(A, C);
649     testComparison!(FPComparison.ord)(A, B);
650     testComparison!(FPComparison.ord)(A, C);
651     testComparison!(FPComparison.ueq)(A, B);
652     testComparison!(FPComparison.ueq)(A, C);
653     testComparison!(FPComparison.ugt)(A, B);
654     testComparison!(FPComparison.ugt)(A, C);
655     testComparison!(FPComparison.uge)(A, B);
656     testComparison!(FPComparison.uge)(A, C);
657     testComparison!(FPComparison.ult)(A, B);
658     testComparison!(FPComparison.ult)(A, C);
659     testComparison!(FPComparison.ule)(A, B);
660     testComparison!(FPComparison.ule)(A, C);
661     testComparison!(FPComparison.une)(A, B);
662     testComparison!(FPComparison.une)(A, C);
663     testComparison!(FPComparison.uno)(A, B);
664     testComparison!(FPComparison.uno)(A, C);
665 }
667 //
669 //